Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Keep It Simple Stupid

Given all the information available to buyers on the web, many customers think they know what they need, but in many cases they don’t! A salesperson’s job is to take control, seek to understand what factors have been considered, teach them what may have been overlooked, and tailor a message unique of their buyers.
Better stated…SHOW THEM THE UNKNOWN from 2 separate angles, the Consumer POV and the Competitive POV.
Customers are changing. New products and services were constantly being introduced. Companies entered new markets. Salespeople take new jobs. The economy has ebbs and flows. New technologies have to be mastered.
Salespeople even have to learn new ways to capture and keep the attention of today’s savvy prospects – at the same time they have to make their numbers.
How do they adapt to customer needs?
They are agile learners, quickly able to get up to speed when things change. They become competent in new positions in record time. They instantly adjust to changing market dynamics.
As a result, they get quick wins, which give them confidence, which led to more business. In essence, their short-term success is the key to their long-term success.
Keep in mind though, you are a BRAND and represent something.
When you meet with customers and review with them their products and/or services, the pricing, and value, you are determining what it is that you will sell. It’s more than the ‘idea.’ It’s about what you promise to deliver. In order to gain a prospect’s attention and business you have to be able to differentiate yourself.

Your clients don’t owe you anything. You keep them by following through on your promises. You gain their loyalty when you maintain or over deliver on your service; when you mean what you say. So, as you continue to navigate the minefield of sales, pay attention to what you say. Make sure you aren’t promising something you can’t deliver. Or something you have no intention of delivering. Understand why people buy, and why they buy from you.
Then make sure you do those things. Sell your brand!

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